The Tara Canyon in Montenegro represents one of the most captivating sights in Europe, if not the entire world. This turquoise-blue ribbon of crystal-clear water cuts through the northern edge of Durmitor National Park, forming a 1,300-meter deep canyon – a natural wonder that is an irresistible invitation for adventure and nature enthusiasts.

Also known as the "Tear of Europe," the Tara Canyon is the longest canyon in Europe, second only to the Grand Canyon on a global scale. It is one of those rare sights that truly takes your breath away. The Tara River is formed by two separate rivers that originate in the Komovi Mountains, namely the Opasanica and Varuša. The Tara River stretches for 158 km and boasts 14 tributaries and an astonishing 69 rapids.

The beauty of the Tara Canyon has been recognized by UNESCO as well. As far back as 1977, the Tara Canyon became a part of the "Man and Biosphere" program thanks to its diverse flora and fauna. Another unforgettable sight, besides the canyon itself, is the graceful Đurđevica Tara Bridge, which spans 172 meters above the river.

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