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Only rural parts have beautiful nature

About us

Projects that help Montenegro improve tourism in rural parts

By enhancing local infrastructure, preserving cultural heritage, and training communities in hospitality, these projects have created authentic and enriching experiences for travelers. Montenegro's partnership with UNDP has not only boosted tourism but also revitalized rural economies and empowered local residents, showcasing the power of sustainable development.

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Our goal

- Drive sustainable rural economies through responsible tourism

- Celebrate and integrate local heritage into tourism

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Economic growth

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Cultural preservation

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Community empowerment

- Enhance eco-friendly facilities for an enjoyable visitor experience

-Equip locals to actively engage in and benefit from tourism

Our mission

We, the NGO Association of Citizens Polja, promote enriching tourist experiences that preserve the culture and nature of the Mojkovac area. We work on building the skills of the local population to maintain nature and enhance the tourist experience, creating positive and lasting impacts on the economy and the lives of local residents and visitors.

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Projects in Mojkovac